BW SC System | Falsework System | Heavy Duty Shoring BWYS Scaffolding Rental and Supply System

BW SC System is the Heavy Duty Shoring/Falsework System that based on the principle of a self-locking system with a pivoting wedge-key that engages with a stirrup. Upon placing a horizontal member on a stirrup, the wedge will automatically swivel into place, instantaneously securing the system.

The BW SC60 vertical shoring system employs multi-directional triangular frames, which allows for many structural possibilities. The BW SC25, on the other hand, is a multi-directional pre-fabricated scaffolding with "automatic quick wedging" that comprises all the 3 main components - Standards, horizontal members and diagonal braces, that are completed with bearing components and might be raised by adding floors. More importantly, BW SC25 is safe for erection and dismantling by a single person, who can position the horizontal members without any risk of disconnection.

To ensure our long term business value, we provide full support on Technical loading analysis and drawings, Flexible rental programs, Dedicated customer support & service programs, High-value buyback program and also Flexible financial leasing support.
This shoring system can be applied on all kind of heavy duty structures. Its multi-directional and multi-level attributes allow for greater flexibility and better adaptability. BW SC60 able to form various kind of structural possibilities by using its multi-directional triangular frames. While BW SC25 might be raised by adding floors and is safe for erection and dismantling by a single person.
Galvanized Steel, Aluminium
• BW SC60 Vertical Shoring System
• BW SC25 Multi-directional Prefabricated Scaffolding
• Customize
Feature Performance
Easy installationQuick & easy assembly and dismantling
Cost savingMinimize misplacements/loss of parts, Minimal number of small, loose parts
High flexibilityMulti-directional and multi-level
Corrosion resistantGalvanized Steel
Specification Properties
Vertical Load (KN)BW SC60: 70 per leg
BW SC25: 25 per leg
Main Vertical Tube Members (mm) (OD x T)
OD: outside diameter
T: Thickness
BW SC60: 60.3 (OD) x 2.9 (T)br> BW SC25: 48.3 (OD) x 2.5 (T)
Tensile strength (N/mm²)320
Compliance with RegulationsAKTA 520, Perakuan Pematuhan Standards (PPS), MS 1462 (only for BW SC25), stringent tests by SIRIM and CREAM, ISO/TS 14067:2013, ISO 9001:2008
Company Installation Minimum Order Cover area
(Scaffolding Supplier)Yes0Cyberjaya, Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Kuala Lumpur, Malacca, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Penang, Perak, Perlis, Putrajaya, Sabah, Sarawak, Selangor, Terengganu
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