SOLA Spirit Level | Bubble Level
SOLA Spirit Level was constructed to have a higher average profile weight of 500 g/linear that guaranteed to have a longer lifespan. Any spirit levels with a profile weight of 400 g/linear meter or lesser will not sufficiently robust and resistant. Inaccuracies due to dropping or deterioration through daily use on a building site are minimized by appropriate wall thickness. On early 1994, SOLA has been certified as ISO 9001 compliant. This system provides quality assurance for all areas of the company. Each individual spirit level is tested and adjusted. Thus we can guarantee that everything that is stated on the packaging is upheld in reality. Our models RED/BIG RED are equipped with anti-slip end caps that enable convenient positioning and a secure grip for the spirit level on the surface. The spirit level can be easily held with one hand and do marking at the same time. According to standard, a quality spirit level should only have a maximum measuring tolerance of not more than 1.00 mm/m. While SOLA box profile spirit levels has reached the standard with a measuring tolerance of maximum 0.50 mm/m for standard measurements. Inverted measurement must use vials from precision manufactured. All SOLA spirit levels in the aluminum box profile range have a measuring tolerance of maximum 1.00 mm/m. The leak protection is assured by on the ultrasonic welding of the vials, which SOLA patented in 1969. SOLA poses more experience and knowledge than many manufacturers in Spirit level producing and we can ensure a 30-year guarantee with confidence. Since 2011 all SOLA quality spirit levels and screeding levels have been equipped with the patented FOCUS vial. SOLA FOCUS vials show a considerably higher contrast compared to standard ring vials. This has been proven by many tests from professional craftsmen throughout Europe. Therefore SOLA FOCUS vials allow a better, faster and more accurate reading. In addition to the unbeatable precision, the vials are also famous for its resistance to breakage or deformation. The vial fluid is antistatic and has a very good UV resistance too.
• Durable
• Precision Measuring and Marking
Builtory Supplier Products