Steel Application
Jan 29 2024
Steel is a versatile raw material that can be further branched into many other items, from steel plates of different thicknesses to steel bars with various grades, steel fibre at multiple lengths, steel mesh with certain lengths and widths as well as steel rods for different diameter. Steel can also be applied for wide varieties in terms of functionalities, from laying it as a foundation (plate, reinforcement bar (rebar), fibre form etc), security (grille for window, door gate, main door grille, privacy mesh) to decorative in both exterior as well as interior such as facade, wall panel, sculpture, any form of craftwork to many more. It is an incredible product to work at and usually, it takes into consideration of requirements in terms of strength, shape, thickness, durability or some other elements that cannot be offered by by other raw materials. Further inaction, steelworks is able to be manufactured through high precision engineering processes. Therefore, we should not be worrying too much about custom made products which in the end cannot meet the standard of what customer wants.
Get some steel fabricators who are specialists because they will have more experience, equipment, tool and manpower to work towards some unique designs as well as additional requests that cannot be carried out by general contractors. Of course, there are some site works that require contractors to know about the wet works and steel producers might not be having installation scope service up to that extent. Moreover, we cannot be relying on all range of products and services solely to the general contractor when we need cost-effectiveness instead of time-saving. However, many will still go for general steel and wet work installers who can manage multiple sub-contractors in order to deliver the purchases since you will have limitations in a mobilization when the site is not within your ordinary city of operation. On the other hand, steel products that use for foundation, civil and structural will definitely need a certified main contractor to do when it is involving safety since the casting of concrete has to be seamlessly arranged and supervised.
Get some steel fabricators who are specialists because they will have more experience, equipment, tool and manpower to work towards some unique designs as well as additional requests that cannot be carried out by general contractors. Of course, there are some site works that require contractors to know about the wet works and steel producers might not be having installation scope service up to that extent. Moreover, we cannot be relying on all range of products and services solely to the general contractor when we need cost-effectiveness instead of time-saving. However, many will still go for general steel and wet work installers who can manage multiple sub-contractors in order to deliver the purchases since you will have limitations in a mobilization when the site is not within your ordinary city of operation. On the other hand, steel products that use for foundation, civil and structural will definitely need a certified main contractor to do when it is involving safety since the casting of concrete has to be seamlessly arranged and supervised.
Steel rod and tube are used a lot in precision engineering as well as other heavier industries. For instance, some merely use it to provide a conductivity of heat or electricity, but then silver, copper and gold are still the highest in terms of conductiveness. Of course, each of these elements has its own strengths and weaknesses but then brass, aluminium or the steel we focus on here are having similar popularity as electrical conductors. The tube can be applied to convey fluid, water, chemical, oil and gas while its surfaces can be coated with heat resistance treatment or some other specific requirements. Steel tubing is also commonly being seen in liquid wastes or sewerage discharge plants and it has been also installed as a mechanism within the conveyor belts, mills, hydraulic lifts or some machinery. For residential units, steel tube is used as gas pipe or household appliances since it has properties that can last well and long enough for extreme temperature, at the same time, in a tough situation, both compressive and tensile strengths are also awesome.
Steel pipe is another popular component that is widely applied for almost every industry, from retail, residential and commercial development to industrial processes. Heavily specified one would be the one we use to transport oil and gas from offshore to onshore as it will be exposed in a corrosive environment, deep in the seawater with multiple challenges ranging from pressure, temperature, chemical properties, living organisms and potential impact damages from other intruders (users of the sea, from a submarine, boat, diver, equipment to rubbish). These types of piping will need more effort to produce, as well as other suppliers and contractors to assist while they must be specialists. For instance, the pipe coating chemical, applicator, tool to do welding, application of a coating to the installer of the pipe after experienced transporter does the part of conveying the pipes to the site with a high level of safety precautions to retain its optimal condition. Definitely, the cost to employ all the vendors in this supply chain will be higher than the conventional pipe fabrication project.
Steel pipe is another popular component that is widely applied for almost every industry, from retail, residential and commercial development to industrial processes. Heavily specified one would be the one we use to transport oil and gas from offshore to onshore as it will be exposed in a corrosive environment, deep in the seawater with multiple challenges ranging from pressure, temperature, chemical properties, living organisms and potential impact damages from other intruders (users of the sea, from a submarine, boat, diver, equipment to rubbish). These types of piping will need more effort to produce, as well as other suppliers and contractors to assist while they must be specialists. For instance, the pipe coating chemical, applicator, tool to do welding, application of a coating to the installer of the pipe after experienced transporter does the part of conveying the pipes to the site with a high level of safety precautions to retain its optimal condition. Definitely, the cost to employ all the vendors in this supply chain will be higher than the conventional pipe fabrication project.
Let us dive into further depth what can we get from steel on its usage to make for interior and exterior finishing or anything for building construction. Fences that are made by steel are very ordinary to many users and they are quite familiar with it, at least from the perspective of getting things done seamlessly without argument on the advantages of steel, it is not possible to have all the benefits from other raw materials but then, steel is generally known as one of the priorities in the selection list when you require something that is sustainable in terms of strength and safety. Steel fitness can be extended to intensive application and also lighter in duty, i.e. for the sake of making facade or interior decoration. Generally speaking, when you do not need any assistance of a strong integrated product to your structure, steel can still be your preferred way to incorporate into your building for non-load-bearing finishes.
The steel facade is very nice to look at when it is coated with special weather-resistance colour that has texture. A surface that needs to expose to sunlight and acidic rain must be treated with a protective chemical or shield with other layers of an equivalent functional product. Many people might go with a hybrid design where they put steel and aluminium side by side or any other plastic-based components that are naturally corrosive-resistant and waterproofed. Whether it is feasible to conduct a detailed evaluation for getting facade to be specified in steel, usually run by specialists such as architect, engineer or quantity surveyor. When steel is being applied to civil and structural (C&S), it is critical not to neglect the importance of strength, not to compromise the integrity in this aspect as the consequences might be very severe. Timber or composite panel could be another alternative for steel if you are not interested to invest in a material that is superior in strongness.
The steel facade is very nice to look at when it is coated with special weather-resistance colour that has texture. A surface that needs to expose to sunlight and acidic rain must be treated with a protective chemical or shield with other layers of an equivalent functional product. Many people might go with a hybrid design where they put steel and aluminium side by side or any other plastic-based components that are naturally corrosive-resistant and waterproofed. Whether it is feasible to conduct a detailed evaluation for getting facade to be specified in steel, usually run by specialists such as architect, engineer or quantity surveyor. When steel is being applied to civil and structural (C&S), it is critical not to neglect the importance of strength, not to compromise the integrity in this aspect as the consequences might be very severe. Timber or composite panel could be another alternative for steel if you are not interested to invest in a material that is superior in strongness.
Types of Steels
Carbon Steel
Alloy Steel
Stainless Steel
Mild Steel
Galvanized Steel
Other Steels
Applications of Steel
Contact us today for Steel Products Supplier and Contractor in Malaysia.